Excursion for students
At the end of April, we welcomed students from the High School of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology in Dobruška (SPŠ EL IT) for an excursion to TREVOS. These excursions allow students to experience the real working environment and industrial processes directly in the field.

The group of almost 30 students, including teachers, was welcomed by the head of marketing Jaroslava Pažoutová and the head of the technical department Roman Grund, who guided the entire excursion with a professional explanation. The beginning took place in the showroom, where the students saw our industrial and interior luminaires. During the presentation they learned about the history of the company and the production of components.
This was followed by a visit to the laboratories and the test centre, where the students learned about resistance testing procedures. Finally, they visited the production halls where they saw the technology of luminaire production.
For the practical part of the training we donated three industrial luminaires to the school as study material. We believe that this experience was useful for the students and increased their knowledge of industrial processes.